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    Common Questions

    Explore FAQ’s & answers.

    Billing & Account

    What payment methods are accepted?

    We accept cash, all major credit & debit cards, checks, cashapp, and paypal. Check out all our accepted payment methods for more info.

    Do you offer payment plans for websites?

    Yes, we offer a 1 year payment plan for websites. As a convenience to our clients we allow website development costs to be paid off over a year. Once your website development cost is paid off, you are billed on a month to month basis with no contract. If you are not happy with our service after a year you can cancel at anytime. Automatic payments are processed on the 1st of every month. All major credit or debit cards are accepted for automatic payments.

    Are deposits refundable?

    Deposits are non refundable. Deposits are implemented as a security shield for our clients and our company. This helps us determine which businesses are serious about doing business, before we invest our time into their projects. This also minimizes the risk of non payments so we can maximize focus and efforts on important projects.

    What is website hosting?

    Website hosting is where all your website files are served to the public. Web Hosting companies allow companies like EXSELR to purchase servers and manage all aspects of server deployment. This allows visitors connected to the internet access to your website domain (ex: example.com) 24/7. This allows your website to be loaded extremely fast, and securely.


    Why is a logo design so important?

    Your logo is the tangible and visual representations that define your businesses existence. Once your company has a great logo you can begin to build your brand collateral (ex: business cards, letterheads, brochures, flyers, posters, etc). Does the logo look great printed on a small business card or enlarged to a billboard? If not, we can help you create one.

    Can you vectorize a logo that already exists?

    Yes, our illustrator services allow us to vectorize established logos. We import the created logo and recreate the logo by using vector software. Once the logo is recreated we export and create a designer package zip file that contains all neccessary files for digital and print designers.

    Difference between a logo design and branding collateral?

    A logo design is the visual representation of the business or product. Logo’s usually have multiple different taglines or different versions depending on the placement and location of the logo. For instance if you have a logo that is all white it will have to have an inverse version to be visible if printed on white paper. Brand collateral is all the elements (color, placement, balance etc.) that should be consistent, complementing the logo design brand. For example your brand collateral could include your businesses envelope, business cards, letterhead, t-shirts, folders, signage, advertisements etc. Which font family is utilized, sizes and placement help create the branding guidelines for designers to keep brands consistent. These brand collateral practices help your viewers differentiate your brand from other brands. Great branding collateral propel businesses to reach ROI (return on investment) goals quicker.

    Graphic Design

    Whats your graphic design turnaround?

    Once a design request is approved we offer a 48hr or less turnaround time.

    Graphic Design bulk discounts?

    Yes, if your business requires high volumes of graphic designs each month we offer discounts.

    Does EXSELR offer printed designs?

    No, we design graphics that can be viewed digitally or setup to be sent to print shops.

    What if I need to make adjustments to a graphic design?

    We strive for excellence and on every graphic design we create. As long as the adjustments are minor like spelling or resizing, we are happy to make any adjustments needed at no additional fee. Client satisfaction is important to us.

    Do I own the design file when I request a graphic design?

    No, typically we don’t send you design files. We export web or print only versions. If you would like to purchase a specific design file for your inhouse graphic designer you can request them at an additional fee.

    Project Cancellation?

    Although this is very rare if it happens a 50% of cost cancellation fee will be kept as a “kill-fee”. This kill-fee is paid by the client for the designers time when a project gets canceled prematurely.


    Website Management & Security?

    We manage your website on our VPS Cloud Hosting server for you. Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks are completed by us. These tasks include, website security, hosting security, plugin updates, software updates, malware & virus removal, brute force attacks, website traffic monitoring, database backups, website file backups, contextual updates, scheduled file system cleaning, source code updates, video uploading, page creation. Domain registration renewals, website hosting services.

    What type of Website Design do you offer?

    We design, fully customized unique responsive websites. That means your website display will change dynamically, resizing to optimize user experience on whichever device your visitor is using. We create different display versions for mobile devices, tablets and desktop monitors. We design custom WordPress Themes for clients.

    What is a SSL/TLS certificate for secure web browsing?

    SSL/TLS certificates are protocols for establishing authenticated and encrypted links between networked computers. It is a security measure to ensure your visitors are safe visiting your website. We setup and renew SSL/TLS certificates for all websites on our Premium, Advanced, Enterprise website plans.

    Can I run my website and control my host server?

    Yes, only if you are on our DIY website plan. We don’t offer server support or updates for our DIY websites. DIY website plans are designed for established server admins and webmasters. If you are on a DIY website plan you are responsible for all hosting and updates.

    Can EXSELR run my website for me?

    Yes, thats exactly what our Premium, Advanced, Enterprise, and Elite website plans are designed for. You simply send us any new content and we update, edit or delete whatever is required. We control all aspects of your website (hosting, renewals, themes, security, updates, backups, software upgrades etc.).

    What kind of website support do you offer?

    Our Premium, Advanced, Enterprise, and Elite website plans include monthly support.

    Why should I choose EXSELR to run my website?

    We handcraft custom websites and utilize the latest powerful tools to market your business. Exceptional customer service, afforable pricing, and support is why business owners trust EXSELR for their website services.

    I have an ugly outdated website, can you fix it?

    Yes, the best way to fix an outdate website is to delete it and create a new website. It’s much easier for us to design and develop a new website than to patch, hack and fix an old one from a 3rd party. We’ve helped many businesses migrate their websites to secure hosting environments. This gives our clients and visitors a safer and better user experience.

    Website search engine results?

    There are many ways websites can get higher rankings in search engines. One way is by paying Google and Bing to place ad’s for your company based off of keywords. Having your website properly indexed with sitemaps and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) metadata helps boost your website above other sites. Website relevancy and activity are also key factors that search engine companies use in their algorithms, Geo-location based ad’s are also helpful tools. We can optimize your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

    What is a hyperlink?

    A hyperlink also known as URL is the specific path to a page or file on a web server. This allows visitors to navigate throughout your website. Ex. www.example.com/contact

    Website Features

    Features, Elements, and Options


    Coming Soon
    Search Results


    Heading Styles
    List Styles
    Contact Forms

    Grid & Gallery

    Basic Layout
    Masonry Layout
    Caption Option
    Audio Gallery
    Video Gallery
    Media Carousel


    Tabs & Accordions
    Google Maps
    Social Share
    Team Members
    Pricing Tables
    Counters & Countdowns
    Pie Chart & Progress Bar

    Loading Animations

    Header Fade
    Header Slide
    Header Background Zoom
    Header Video
    Header Text Slides
    Header Elements

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    Work Highlights

    Website Solutions, Graphic Design, SMM.
    Graphic Design Flyer by EXSELR Graphic Design Flyer by EXSELR Graphic Design Flyer by EXSELR Graphic Design Flyer by EXSELR Graphic Design Flyer by EXSELR

    © 2024 EXSELR. All Rights Reserved.